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Listing Printer/Device Assignments

The assignment of print queues to device URIs can be listed from a CUPS server using the "-v" option.

The following authenticates to the CUPS server as user adam and lists the queue and device URI relationships.

Reprinting Completed Jobs

Listing completed jobs

By default the lpstat command lists the queued/pending jobs on a print queue. However the completed jobs still present on the server can be listed using the "-W completed" option.

For example, to list the completed jobs on the local print server for the queue named "examplep":

Create & Deleting CUPs Queues via CLI

Create A Print Queue

[root@host ~]# /usr/sbin/lpadmin -U adam -h -p examplelm1 -E \
  -m "foomatic:HP-LaserJet-laserjet.ppd" -D "Example Pick Ticket Printer"\
   -L "Grand Rapids" -E -v lpd://

This will create a queue named examplelm1 on the host as user adam.

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